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Business Owners/Managers
Product Training Videos
Improving Margins
In this Webinar you will learn about how you can increase your margins using markups to increase your profit.
Managing Vendors and Included Vendor Data Services.
In this Webinar you will learn about how you can manage your Vendors and the information that they provide to help you sell the products that you want to sell.
Track your business using the Dashboard and S.C.O.R.E
See how your business is performing and make solid data-driven business decisions. The S.C.O.R.E Dashboard can be turned on by calling our Client Services Department at 1 (866) 684-4134.
Adding Products to your catalog one at a time
Add the products that you sell from Vendors that are not in XOLogic
Editing Product Items
Editing product information to correct errors or update values
Adding/Editing Item (Product) Attributes
Add Attributes to products for changing their display
Entering Vendor Quoted Item Prices
Add and edit Quotes that you recieve from Vendors for specific products
Adjusting Item (Product) Markups
Change the Markups for Specific Products
Troubleshooting product pricing
Understand and troubleshoot product pricing tiers for the products you sell
Printing in-store Price Tags and Shipping Labels for Products
Keeping up with pricing changes and printing price tags and printing shipping labels
Helping Salespeople improve conversions and margins
Help your salespeople with visibility and inspire them with some friendly competition
Managing Product Quotes for your Top Products
Knowing what you sell the most can lead to knowing how much to sell it for
Product Training Videos
Using your in-store product catalog
Search for Products, and them to wishlists and orders.
Adding Customers and Accounts
Walk through how to add customers, and accounts
Creating Wishlists
How to manage putting together customer wishlists
Converting potential Sales Opportunities
Using the Open Orders to turn a potential sales into customers
Point of Sale, using the instore Credit Card Processing
Learn how to process credit cards and confirm orders
151 E 1700 S
Suite 110
Provo, UT 84606
P: 844-934-3064
H: Mon - Fri: 8AM to 5PM MST
Copyright 2020 XOLogic. ALL Rights Reserved. Privacy policy
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